Membership Benefits
IMTA is dedicated to providing its members with high quality opportunities to learn skills, grow professionally, share information with their peers, and to earn and maintain certifications. Once you check out all of the fantastic benefits listed below, and you're ready to take advantage of what IMTA has to offer, take the next step and become an IMTA member.
Listserv IMTA maintains an online email forum that provides subscribers the ability to ask, answer, and view questions that can enable higher levels of accuracy and efficiency when fulfilling their responsibilities. The ListServ provides direct access to your peers across the state, empowering IMTA members to share how they accomplish their tasks. All IMTA members are welcome to subscribe to the Listserv as a benefit of membership.
Annual Conference The annual conference provides an organization-wide opportunity for all members to learn, meet, network, and further their professional development. Features fantastic speakers and topics for all levels of expertise along with great opportunities for networking.
Institute Established in 1983, IMTA's Institute has provided decades of instruction and guidance to treasury professionals across the state. It's designed to help our members fulfill educational requirements that are necessary for professional certifications at both the state and national level.
Regional Meetings Specialized training and smaller groups for easier networking based on the north, central, and south regions of Illinois.
Certifications Earn the state certification that was designed to advance the professional standing of the Municipal Treasurer. The Certified Illinois Municipal Treasurer (CIMT) designation is awarded by IMTA to members who fulfill and maintain the educational and professional requirements of the program. Earning your CIMT can lead to the national CPFA (Certified Public Finance Administrator) offered by APT US&C (separate membership in APT US&C is required).
Continuing Education Earn CEUs by attending certain IMTA training sessions designed to keep you up-to-date on the most current issues. Whether you need credits to maintain your CPA, CPFA, Pension Administrator, or other certification, IMTA will help you achieve all of the training hours you need.
Opportunities to Get Involved and Grow Professionally Members are encouraged to become involved in their organization. This can be accomplished through participation in one of the many committees that serve the membership. Including:
- Legislative Committee: Works to keep treasurers informed of action needed to achieve positive results in our Legislature and keeps treasurers informed on newly enacted laws.
- Public Relations Committee: Responsible for ideas and information designed to create more interest in the Association.
- Education Committee: Strives to keep the Educational program growing. It assists in creating agendas for seminars and conferences.
- Regionalization Committee: Works to organize quarterly meetings in regional areas. Keeping groups of treasurers actively networking.
- Publications Committee: Prime Times is the IMTA's informative quarterly newsletter. Prime Times uses membership input to cover articles, events, happenings and news of interest to IMTA members.