Certification Application

Re-Certification Application

The IMTA instituted the Professional Certification Program for active members in 1983. Since that time hundreds of members have met the educational and experience standards to earn the Certified Illinois Municipal Treasurer credential.

Certification gives the Illinois Municipal Treasurer a means of keeping abreast of his or her increasingly difficult and important role in municipal government.

Certification means that a treasurer is capable of developing and maintaining a high level of administrative and functional expertise.

Certified Municipal Treasurers are a new generation of qualified professionals seeking a greater level of competence for themselves and their communities.



Certification & Recertification applications and information concerning standards for certification and the curriculum are only a click away.

Certification Chair:

Jan Tures, Treasurer
City of Genoa
333 E. First Street
Genoa, IL 60135
815-784-2327 x7103
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