1. The candidate must be currently serving as an elected or an appointed municipal treasurer, deputy or assistant treasurer, or other municipal officer charged with the performance or supervision of treasury responsibilities as defined in IMTA Constitution.
  2. The candidate must be a member in good standing (with all dues paid) of the Illinois Municipal Treasurers Association for (a) at least two years prior to applying for certification, (b) at the time of application, and (c) at the time of approval.
  3. Believe in and practice the Code of Ethics of the Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada (as adopted).
  4. Accumulate a minimum of 50 Education points and 35 Experience and Participation points as specified in the schedule of points.
  5. All applicants must have attended one ( 1 ) full phase of the Illinois Municipal Treasurers Institute in the five years prior to the date of application.
  6. Submit the approved application form, along with all required documentation and application fee ($55), to the Chair of the IMTA Certification Committee.

EDUCATION/Schedule of Points

  • Satisfactory completion of all 3 phases of the IMTA Institute
    (in the five years prior to the date of Application) 50pts
  • University Degree in finance or related field  50pts
    (Accounting, finance, public administration, or other related fields)
  • University Degree in an unrelated field  30pts
  • Associate Degree in finance or related field  30pts
    (Accounting, finance, public administration, or other related fields)
  • Associate Degree in an unrelated field 20pts
  • Completion of any phase (I, II, or III) of the Illinois Municipal Treasurers Institute in conjunction with, and in addition to an Associate Degree (In any field) 15pts 
  • Relevant University or College credited courses and/or correspondence courses approved by the Certification Committee 1/2pt per credit hour. Max 25pts.

Courses must be related to accounting, finance, public administration, or a related field.  Courses must be completed with a "C" grade or better and must have been taken within the five years prior to application.

Note: Even if an applicant has satisfied the Educational requirements through other areas (university, degree, etc.) they are required to attend one (1) phase of the Annual Institute prior to application.

Schedule of Points

A minimum of 35 points towards certification must be earned from the following Experience and Professional Membership standards.

  • Service to an Illinois Municipality as a Treasurer, or in a similarly responsible position  3 per yr.  w/ 15 max
  • Attendance at IMTA Annual Meeting 5 per yr. w/ 20 max
  • Attendance at IMTA sponsored Regional Meetings 2 per mtg. w/ 10 max
  • Organizing a Regional Meetings  2 per mtg. w/ 10 max
  • Presenter at Regional Meetings   2 per mtg. w/ 10 max
  • Attendance at IMTA Fall Meeting during IML (Chicago) 2 per yr. w/ 10 max
  • Service to the IMTA in an elected position  5 per yr. w/ 20 max
  • Service to the IMTA on a committee 3 per year w/ 12 max
  • Organizing an IMTA Round Table Meeting
    2 per mtg. w/ 4 per yr. max also w/8 total max
  • Attending a Round Table Meeting
    1 per mtg. w/ 2 per yr. max also w/8 total max
  • Speaker at IMTA/ APT training session 2/session, 2/year max, 10/certification max. (copy of agenda or schedule required)
  • Serving as an IMTA, booth representative at the Fall Meeting 1 per hr w/ 8 max
  • Service to the APT US&C in an elected position  2 per yr. w/ 10 max
  • Service to the APT US&C on a committee 2 per yr. w/ 10 max
  • Attendance at APT US&C Annual Conference 3 per yr. w/ 12 max


  • Organizing a Southeast Central Illinois Clerks- Treasurers Assoc. Meeting
       2 per mtg.  w/ 10 max
  • Attendance at a Southeast Central Illinois Clerks- Treasurers Assoc. Meeting
       2 per mtg.  w/ 10 max
  • Attendance at the Newly-Elected Officials Conference (In association with IML)
       2 per mtg.  w/ 2 max
  • Attendance at an Illinois Dept of Revenue workshop
       1 per 1/2 day mtg; 2 per all day mtg.  w/ 2 max per year; and 8 max per Certification
  • Current certification in a National professional achievement program related to treasury management, finance or public administration such as CCM (Certified Cash Manager) or CPA (Certified Public Accountant).
       5 per mtg.  w/ 5 max
    (Proof of current license must be provided)


  • Member of IMTA   1 per year  w/ 5 max
  • Member of APT US&C  1 per year  w/ 5 max

NOTE: All section II experience & professional membership requirements must have occurred in the five years prior to the date of application.
            Joint Conferences (IML/IMTA, APT/IMTA, IDOR/IMTA...)- Points are awarded for one event only.

Applications must be submitted to the Certification Chair by January 31 to receive certification at the Annual Conference in June.



  1. The candidate must be currently serving as an elected or an appointed municipal treasurer, deputy or assistant treasurer, or other municipal officer charged with the performance or supervision of treasury responsibilities as defined in IMTA Constitution.
  2. The candidate must be a member in good standing (with all dues paid) of the Illinois Municipal Treasurers Association for (a) since last certification, (b) at the time of application, and (c) at the time of approval.
  3. Believe in and practice the Code of Ethics of the Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada (as adopted).
  4. Accumulate a minimum of 50 Continuing Education points and 35 Experience and Participation points as specified in the schedule of points.
  5. Submit the approved application form, along with all required documentation and application fee ($55 plaque option or $20 plaque bar option) , to the Chair of the IMTA Certification Committee.



Attendance at Illinois Municipal Treasurer's Institute:

To earn 50 continuing education points for Institute attendance, you must accumulate 45 credit hours of study (within the five year time limitation) in any combination from the following list.

Full phase = 33 credit hours
Advanced(16)= 16 credit hours
Advanced(8)= 8 credit hours

2 Full Phases = 66 credit hours
1 Full Phase and 2 Advanced (8) = 49 credit hours
1 Full Phase and 1 Advanced (16) = 49 credit hours
2 Advanced (16) and 2 Advanced (8) = 48 credit hours
3 Advanced (16) = 48 credit hours

  • Relevant University or College credited courses and/or correspondence courses approved by the Certification Committee 1/2pt per credit hour. Max 25pts.

Courses must be related to accounting, finance, public administration, or a related field.  Courses must be completed with a "C" grade or better and must have been taken within the five years prior to application.


EXPERIENCE/Schedule of Points

  • Service to an Illinois Municipality as a Treasurer, or in a similarly responsible position  3 per yr.  w/ 15 max
  • Attendance at IMTA Annual Seminar 5 per yr. w/ 20 max
  • Attendance at IMTA sponsored Regional Meeting 2 per yr. w/ 10 max
  • Organizing a Regional meeting  2 per yr. w/ 10 max
  • Presenter at Regional Meetings   2 per mtg. w/ 10 max
  • Attendance at IMTA Fall Meeting during IML (Chicago) 2 per yr. w/ 10 max
  • Attendance at APT US&C Annual Conference 3 per yr. w/ 12 max
  • Service to the IMTA in an elected position  5 per yr. w/ 20 max
  • Service to the IMTA on a committee 3 per yr. w/ 12 max
  • Organizing an IMTA Roundtable Meeting 
    2 per mtg. w/ 4 per yr. max also w/8 total max
  • Attending an IMTA Roundtable Meeting 
  • Speaker at IMTA/ APT training session 2/session, 2/year max, 10/certification max. (copy of agenda or schedule required)
    1 per mtg. w/ 2 per yr. max also w/8 total max
  • Serving as an IMTA, booth representative at the Fall Meeting at IML 
    1 per hr. w/ 8 max
  • Service to the APT US&C in an elected position  2 per year w/ 10 max
  • Service to the APT US&C on a committee 2 per year w/ 10 max
  • Attendance at a APT US&C Annual Conference  3 per year w/ 12 max


  • Organizing a Southeast Central Illinois Clerks- Treasurers Assoc. Meeting
       2 per mtg.  w/ 10 max
  • Attendance at a Southeast Central Illinois Clerks- Treasurers Assoc. Meeting
       2 per mtg.  w/ 10 max
  • Attendance at the Newly-Elected Officials Conference (In association with IML)
       2 per mtg.  w/ 2 max
  • Attendance at an Illinois Dept of Revenue seminar
       1 per 1/2 day mtg; 2 per all day mtg.  w/ 2 max per year; and 8 max per Certification
  • Current certification in a National professional achievement program related to treasury management, finance or public administration such as CCM (Certified Cash Manager) or CPA (Certified Public Accountant).
       5 per mtg.  w/ 5 max
    (Proof of current license must be provided)


  • Member of IMTA   1 per year  w/ 5 max
  • Member of APT US&C  1 per year  w/ 5 max


A letter from the membership chair of each association verifying membership must accompany application.

All section II experience & professional membership requirements must have occurred in the five years prior to the date of application.

If the Certification lapses, the applicant may request a one year extension from the Certification Committee.  The Certification Committee will consider applicant requests for extensions on a case-by-case basis.  If the committee does not approve the extension, the applicant must start the process over and re-apply as a new applicant. Attendance at all events must have occurred within the applicable five or six years prior to the application.

Joint Conferences (IML/IMTA, APT/IMTA, IDOR/IMTA...)- Points are awarded for one event only.

Applications must be submitted to the Certification Chair by January 31 to receive certification at the Annual Conference in June.

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